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Saturday, February 12, 2011

大排挡 puchong utama

 spinach 招牌菜 (many ppl order this)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Darabif IOI mall puchong

 Detox: Mix of green apple, red apple and other fruits as well... fresh and concentrated RM7.90

Fish fillet burger but i prefer the lamb that i tried last time... tastier :)
anway i get this burger by RM2 only cos i have the voucher

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Hightea Mega Hotel


Thanks to Zhi Dek and Ah Chiek :)

Dim Sum Grand Palace Hotel

Special thanks to Sharon for all these yummy dim sum...
Thanks to Maria, Lee yien, Emily and Zhi Dek... :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Second time to "hai ba wang" in a week. Cousins having new year dinner there.
 Tasty fish

 lao sheng : before and after (like the colourful)
 4 types diff vege  but CNY some vege out of stock so replace with others

OOO very cheesy prawn. For cheese lover sure you like it... :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Malay stall

Well having my CNY eve dinner in a Malay stall...
 Always love this dish but it taste sweet, maybe Malay style is like this
 Malay mee kering...
 This one looks tasty...

 My nasi pattaya but the telur is cover up the rice not fully wrap the rice

 seafood mee in claypot
Overall, Malay stall has their own taste which is slightly different to my taste but still acceptable. :)